Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Bilary and Liver Dysfunction

The liver should be thought of as the industrial center of the body; it acts as the chemical factory making new body chemistry and breaking down toxic waste chemistry, filters impurities from the blood, generates new cells for much of the body, and plays a large part in the balancing of the entire endocrine system. The production of bile in the liver and storage of that bile in the gallbladder is essential for the proper metabolism of dietary fats and their conversion into necessary chemicals including hormones.

Liver dysfunction may also influence the appearance of other symptoms such as sensitivity to chemicals, allergies, asthma, skin conditions, and food sensitivities. The liver is also central in the breakdown and elimination of all non-food substances we take in such as food preservatives, food colorings, prescription and non-prescription drugs, and caffeine. Many times a detoxification program is needed to allow the liver to catch up on the back-log of processing it has to do and allow rest and repair for the liver, digestive system, and waste elimination organs such as the kidneys and gastro-intestinal tract.

Primary indicators of Biliary and Liver Dysfunction symptoms:

Dizziness  Dry skin
 Burning feet  Blurred vision
 Itching skin and feet  Excess falling hair
 Frequent skin rashes  Bitter, metallic taste in mouth in mornings
 Bowel movements painful or difficult  Worrier, feel insecure
 Feeling queasy; headache over the eyes  Greasy foods upset
 Stools light colored  Skin peels on foot soles
 Pain between shoulder blades  Use laxatives
 Stools alternate from soft to watery  History of gallbladder attacks or gallstones
 Sneezing attacks  Dreaming, nightmare type bad dreams
 Bad breath (halitosis)  Milk products cause distress
 Sensitive to hot weather  Burning itching anus
 Crave sweets

Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. A deficiency within one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.

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