Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Foundational Issues

The Vitamin B Complex found in food is very important for several reasons.  Firstly, it is intimately involved in all nerve and muscle function including heart operation and brain neurochemistry.  Second, it is essential to proper production of energy in the body, secretion of digestive juices and proper metabolism of carbohydrates (sugars) in the diet.  Thirdly, it is important to the health and normal function of the liver, eyes, skin, hair, endocrine system, the spleen, thymus gland, pancreas and kidneys (and more!)  The B complex promotes optimal growth and energy production, affects blood cell production and supports the immune system for resistance to cellular energy.

The B Complex is probably the first vitamin destroyed by commercial processing food, the milling of flour, the flash freezing of frozen dinners the long term cold storage of so-called “fresh” produce.  It is a major part of the nutritional value removed from grains in the bran and the polishing of rice.  A diet lacking in fresh picked, raw foods and consisting mostly of commercially prepared food, is in significant need of supplementation with the vitamin B complex from whole foods.

The standard process Vitamin B complex in made of many individual factors, so far over 25 have been identified, although only a few are available in “fortified” commercial foods most notably B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12.  The importance of this “complex” form found naturally in the foods like Brewer’s yeast, whole grains, meats, nuts, beans, and peas, is that there is close interaction between parts of the B complex where and inadequate intake of one part will prevent the body from properly using other parts.  The B complex should be taken whole, and in nature you never find single B vitamin isolated from the rest.  The B complex can be separated into two distinct parts, one part acting as a calming support for the body especially for cardiovascular and nervous system function, referred to Vitamin G complex, and the part acting as a stimulating, energy producing factors, referred to as the B Complex.  It is normal for the body to need both parts together or separately, from time to time depending on the individual diet and lifestyle of the person.

Primary indicators of Foundational Issues symptoms:

 Muscle weakness  Lack of Stamina
 Drowsiness after eating  Muscular soreness
 Rapid heart beat  Hyper-irritable
 Feeling if a band around your head  Melancholia (feeling of sadness)
 Swelling of ankles  Diminished urination
 Tendency to consume sweets or carbs  Muscle Spasms
 Blurred vision  Loss of muscular control
 Numbness  Night sweats
 Rapid digestion  Sensitivity to noise
 Redness of palms of hands and bottom of feet  Visible veins on chest and abdomen
 Hemorrhoids  Apprehension (feeling something bad will happen)
 Nervousness with indigestion  Nervousness causing loss of appetite
 Gastritis  Forgetfulness
 Thinning of hair


Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. A deficiency within one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.

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