Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Male Hormones

The Endocrine system for people, male and female, differs primarily in the organs and systems used for reproduction.  Nutritional deficiencies, stresses, and inherited weaknesses can show up in a variety of ways.  For the male, from pre-adolescence to his senior years, the reproductive system needs a variety of nutritional support and is greatly affected by proper interaction with the Thyroid, Pituitary, and Adrenal organs and also with the function of the Liver in its production of hormones and dietary fats metabolism.  The imbalance of certain hormones can greatly affect energy levels, libido and emotional stress management, as well as impact a healthy sexual lifestyle. Calcium metabolism is association with fat metabolism. It is very important for proper operation of the prostate gland.  The relationship between reproductive system and the rest of the endocrine system is specifically identified in the system survey and will enable us to make dietary, nutritional supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on the indications listed in the group.  Interestingly, many herbal extracts are very helpful in assisting the male reproductive system we may suggest the use of these as well.  Finally, make reproductive disorders can also increase person’s susceptibility to various infections including urinary tract infections.

 Prostate trouble  Urination difficult or dribbling
 Night urination frequent  Depression
 Pain on insides of legs or heels  Feeling of incomplete bowl evacuation
 Lack of energy  Migrating aches and pains
 Tire to easily  Avoids activity
 Leg nervous at night  Diminished sex drive

Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. A deficiency within one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.

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