Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA


The Pituitary gland is chiefly responsible for control of the body’s digestive system and controls body size and growth. It also greatly affects the operation of the reproductive system.  Pituitary imbalance can be caused by malnutrition. The gland is also very sensitive to emotional and physical stress.  Many serious digestive problems and uncomfortable bathroom problems are greatly improved when the Pituitary gland received proper nutrition and dietary support.  Similarly, disorders within the Reproductive system can be greatly aided by focusing on the Pituitary’s involvement with particular body function.

The Pituitary gland, like all endocrine glands of the body, will slow down eventually if it is not receiving proper nutrition or if it’s trying to balance body function. It will be affected by speeding up or slowing down of other endocrine organs as well.  The “hyper” or sped up state of the Pituitary can negatively influence digestive and reproductive function.  The body may swing between Hyper and Hypo states in an attempt to regain balance within the endocrine system, especially in concert with sugar handling difficulties.

Primary indicators of EndocrineHyperpituitary symptoms:

 Failing memory  Low blood pressure
 Increased Sex Drive  Headaches, “splitting or rending” type
 Decreased sugar tolerance

Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. A deficiency within one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.

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