Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Weight Loss

Standard ProcessTrying to lose weight, but it’s just not working? Despite your best efforts of counting calories and busting your buns in the gym, you can’t seem to shed the pounds? Excess weight is a side effect of improper nutrition. We should never have to count calories.  When our body is fed poor (processed) under-nourishing food it is unable to utilize the food. The food is then converted to fat.  Poor food choices damage our bodies’ systems leading to an inability to properly lose weight.  There are many factors you should focus on prior to sufficient and healthy weight loss. Are your body’s DIGESTION, ADRENALS, LIVER, KIDNEYS and THYROID systems functioning correctly? If you have issues with any one of these systems, you are not going to be able to have sustained weight loss. Your body needs to be able to properly break down foods and absorb nutrients, regardless of how healthy you eat. The first step is to identify any dysfunction within the body systems and provide specific nutrient dense nutrition to those specific systems.  At Salina Family Chiropractic, we have the tools and knowledge base to assist and guide you through this. Our real goal is to help you live a happier and healthier life.  Weight loss is a side effect of addressing the above issues.  Stop looking for the magic pill and make a real commitment to better health and life.  Here at Salina Family Chiropractic, we believe that the body is meant to be well. So, come get EVALUATED today, and become your natural self!

Standard Process

Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. A deficiency within one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.

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