Posts Tagged ‘Spokane WA chiropractor’
Welcome to Salina Family Chiropractic's Spokane WA chiropractor Archive. Here you can learn more about Salina Family Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Joshua Salina, today's choice for Chiropractors in Spokane, WA. Read Dr. Joshua Salina's Chiropractic Spokane WA chiropractor for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (509) 467-2888.
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 14, 2011 | Health Articles

At Salina Family Chiropractic our purpose is to check, educate, and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health through natural chiropractic care. Dr. Joshua Salina commits several hours every week to reviewing the most recent research to ensure that Salina Family Chiropractic always provides the highest standards of care. Here you will find ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 8, 2011 | Health Articles

There has been a lot of media coverage of the problems with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. However, it has been estimated that between one and six percent of adults also suffer from this problem. When adults experience this problem, it can lead to such life difficulties as increased numbers of car accidents, higher ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 3, 2011 | Health Articles

At Salina Family Chiropractic our purpose is to check, educate, and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health through natural chiropractic care. Dr. Joshua Salina commits several hours every week to reviewing the most recent research to ensure that Salina Family Chiropractic always provides the highest standards of care. Here you will find ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 28, 2010 | Health Articles

Whiplash is an injury that is common to automobile accidents, but there are many other ways in which this painful blow to the cervical spine can occur. When it does, studies confirm that Chiropractic can provide significant help and long-term healing results.
A whiplash injury occurs when there is an abrupt backward or forward jerking motion ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 14, 2010 | Health Articles

Happiness is something we are instinctively driven toward. Even though we all find joy in different ways, the search for happiness defines many of our goals and determines most of our actions. Studies have shown that people who are happy have stronger immune systems, are less likely to catch colds and the ...