by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 20, 2015 | Health Articles

We are all familiar with the adage of "walking a mile in another man's shoes" but have we truly wanted to experience walking with another man's spine? In this case we are referring to experiencing the physical strain on a body as we are working in our respective careers. It is no surprise to anyone ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 15, 2015 | Health Articles

Car accidents are renowned for causing whiplash injuries, and these should always be taken seriously no matter how insignificant they may at first appear, because of the areas which are affected. It should also be remembered that the effects of whiplash may take weeks or months to fully manifest, thus it cannot be assumed no ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 13, 2015 | Health Articles

Our love and our never ending pursuit of taking sports and sports activities to the next level is dominant feature of our society. We enjoy the feel of wind, the push of our bodies to victory and the endorphins that our body releases at the point of success. The exciting news is that out of ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 8, 2015 | Health Articles

Often the scariest and most feared questions begin with "How Much?". How much time? How much does it cost? Plus the most dreaded "How much do I weigh?"
In perspective it is a simple measurement but on the grand scale it can elicit quite a response.
The Baseline
As a nation, the United States is heading toward a sedentary, ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 6, 2015 | Health Articles

You finally have committed. The gym bag is packed and your gym shoes are tied tight. As you enter the door you are still running through the workout routine you did years ago that got you into great shape and are ready to start again. This year, I promise. You look across the packed gym ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 1, 2015 | Health Articles

This is the time of year that we all begin to think about the new year and the resolutions of change that we will try to commit to this year. Beginning an exercise program is generally approached in that certain way: With enthusiasm, high hopes and a positive attitude.
Then the realization kicks in. It’s hard ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 30, 2014 | Health Articles

The holiday is here! With the season's good cheer comes the stress which can lead to tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. This is especially the case at Christmas. The combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing around carrying heavy bags, and, let’s say it, family stresses, can all amount ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 25, 2014 | Health Articles

One of the key tenets of chiropractic is that health is our natural state. If someone is not healthy which is often signaled by pain or disease, we look for what could be interfering with this natural state by looking for the underlying cause.
With that in mind chiropractic care is primarily designed to improve the ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 24, 2014 | Office News

by Dr. Joshua Salina | Dec 23, 2014 | Health Articles

Tis the season to be merry, but if you suffer from pain you feel you are more like Scrooge than Santa.
The "Pinch"
Being pinched hurts, but to pinch a nerve? Ugh! That must feel like severe, intense pain – and it often does. “Pinched” nerves can happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves ...