Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Best Foot Forward – Defeating Sciatica

Back Pain Spokane WA Sciatica

Have you experienced sheer agony from just standing up?  Walking has became labored and now avoided all together due to the immense pain that shoots down one leg or the other.  Unfortunately, this description is far to common.  Your condition is diagnosed most often as sciatica.   It is managed by medication until the point ...


The Root of Pins and Needles

Numbness Spokane WA Leg Pain

Ouch! Being pinched hurts, but to pinch a nerve? Ugh! That must feel like severe, intense pain – and it often does. “Pinched” nerves could happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles and internal organs, and can affect your general ...


The Planet of Chronic Diseases

Chronic Disease Spokane WA Disc Degeneration

Have you ever looked up at the stars and lost yourself in the vastness of the universe?  Where we momentarily step outside of ourselves and see the planet as the large vast terrain that we have only begun to explore.  Our world connection is virtually delivered and contained most often to worldwide things like starvation, ...


Chiropractic Works – Celebrate Your Health

Spokane WA Chiropractic Works

Very soon Chiropractic will be celebrating another birthday.  For over a century of success Chiropractic has been helping people of all ages regain and retain their health.   Chiropractic is now the health care of choice for millions of parents and their children throughout the world. We are proud to do our part as our community’s ...


Heal Like A Pro

Spokane WA Heal like a Pro

Whether it is the roar of the crowds in the stadium or just in your local gym or field we love to play like our heroes - the pros.  Unfortunately,  the downside is that sometimes our over zealous activity can lead to injury, either because we are new to it, we push beyond our limits, or ...


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