Understanding the Connection of Digestive Disorders
It always comes at the most inopportune times, but at one time or another, we have all experienced the discomfort of bloating abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea or constipation. Unfortunately, for many people, this has become a daily occurrence. Traditionally, triggers have thought to have been anything from stress, eating certain foods, stomach or bowel infections. ...
Happy Mother’s Day
Don’t Be A Statistic
Rotator Cuff Syndrome in Spokane
The rotator cuff is the most important group of muscles giving the shoulder support and stability. This structural support allows the shoulder joint to move and turn through a wide range of motions and allows us to perform an amazing variety of tasks with our arms. Due to this mobility, rotator cuff injuries are very ...
Life By Design
Can Your Arthritis Predict the Weather?
Is your body able to predict the weather better than your local meteorologist?
The Human Storm Gauge
It's true that many people with back pain, neck pain or other joint complaints are often surprisingly accurate in predicting when storms are approaching, and believe it or not, there is some validity to their weather forecasting abilities.
In 2010 by the International ...
The Right Reasons For A Better You
Time To Spring Into Health
Are You Ready to Spring into Better Shape and Health?
Did you promise yourself that this year you would get into shape? Do you want to feel young again and enjoy your health and life? It can happen. But, it is up to you to make a change. Do something different.
Let's Do It!
It comes down to ...