Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

Avoid Joint Replacements

Back Pain Spokane WA Joint Replacement

As we get older, we begin to find signs of age.  Our skin is not as firm.  We are not as flexible. We slow down and actually acknowledge we are in pain.  But what happens when our joint pain begins to become so excruciating that we are limited in our day to day activities? Unfortunately many ...


Take This Vacation Without Back Pain

Back Pain Spokane WA Vacation

Summer vacation is near!  The excitement of warm weather and the well needed break from school or work  is upon us.  As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...


Do Not Fear the Doctor of Chiropractic

Nothing to Fear Spokane WA Chiropractic

Does the term chiropractor or going to the doctor put fear immediately into your mind? If so, you are not alone.  It is estimated that about 20 percent of the population suffers from what is referred to as “white coat syndrome,” in which a person’s blood pressure shoots up when in the presence of a healthcare ...


Keep Your Knees Kicking Strong

Knee Pain Spokane WA Prevention

Let's live healthier and more active longer.  That alone has become the motto of our generations who may have reached our embracing years of our thirties and older.  Our ability to want to play full out is fabulous as long as we maintain and take care our health and our bodies along the way.  One ...


Healthy Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Spokane WA Arthritis Solutions

For decades, arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it’s time to slow down. But not anymore. Surprisingly recent research points out that people much younger can develop rheumatoid arthritis pain but the best news is that people no longer need to suffer needlessly from ...


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