by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 19, 2015 | Health Articles

It's time. My alarm is set and my sneakers are ready to witness a workout that will begin the next new me.
Sound familiar? Many people find it hard to get motivated for a "big workout" at the gym, or getting up at 5 am for a 5 mile run. However, scientists have found that peoples' ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 17, 2015 | Health Articles

Amazing how a fad from the 80's was a future predictor of our generation of children and young adults and now adult health. This fad originated from sticker cards that were later brought to life on the big and small screen. Each character featured a Garbage Pail Kid having some comical abnormality, deformity and/or suffering ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 14, 2015 | Office News

by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 12, 2015 | Health Articles

Sitting on the edge of our seats as we eagerly await the final score. 3-2-1 Victory! You jump to cheer the win, but if you suffer with Tendonitis that victory dance is filled with awkward motions and pain.
If you find this pain has you red shirted from the sports you love to play or even ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 10, 2015 | Health Articles

Fibromyalgia can create many challenges for a person suffering with this disorder. The challenges often go well beyond the typical characteristic of chronic pain. Suffering from chronic pain alone can be debilitating. For a fibromyalgia sufferer just trying to explain all of their locations of pain is often confusing to their doctor and to complicate ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 5, 2015 | Health Articles

As we look in the mirror or stand on a scale, we are measuring our health on a simple measurement of visual information. All the graphs and medical journals outline our health on simple measurements and determine where we should optimally range to be considered healthy. When it comes to our health internally we no ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Feb 3, 2015 | Health Articles

Welcome to February where we celebrate our healthy hearts and what we can do to help get our hearts pumping in a healthier rhythm for life!
First Step - Recognizing the Right Steps Towards Heart Disease
Our fun filled convenient lifestyle just may be marching you towards heart disease faster than you may expect.
Do you suffer with ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 29, 2015 | Health Articles

If you have trouble sleeping, rest assured you are not the only one. Perhaps “rest assured” is the wrong phrase … Anyway, surveys into this problem reveal that between 40 and 60% of us don’t sleep as well as we’d like to. It may be down to money worries, family concerns, issues at work, aches ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 27, 2015 | Health Articles

When making any lifestyle change, whether getting started on a new dietary regimen or a new exercise program, it is always better to start by adding good or positive things first, and then discontinue the bad habits later or simply let them fall away. By taking the “add positive first” approach, there is not the ...
by Dr. Joshua Salina | Jan 22, 2015 | Health Articles

Congratulations Mom!
The miracle of life is an amazing experience. Excitement mounts as the first pink indicator appears. In one whole breath you can experience the elation of being pregnant and scared all at the same time. Ahh, breath easy their is a natural and wonderful way to keep both you and your little bundle on board ...