Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

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Ironman Triathletes And Chiropractic Care

Spokane Ironman Triathletes

The Ironman Triathlon is regarded as one of the toughest races a human can do. Needless to say, the athletes that compete in the Ironman Triathlon have to be in the best shape. Chiropractic care has helped many Ironman athletes in the race and has allowed their bodies to be pushed to the limit over ...


How To Prevent Whiplash In Spokane

Spokane Whiplash Prevention

Most people think that the head-sized extension on the top of your car seat is just for resting your head on. However, it is not just a place to rest your head on, it is actually a key safety feature called a head restraint. This head restraint helps to prevent whiplash in the case of ...


Personal Health Insurance Policies

Spokane Personal Health Insurance Policies

When one talks about a good lifestyle and a healthy life, we generally think about exercise and nutrition. A third section - rewarding and fulfilling relationships and interests - may be added as an afterthought. But a fourth section - spinal care - is in fact the key to enjoying the benefits from all the ...


Dowager’s Hump Causes and Treatments

Spokane Dowagers Hump Causes and Treatments

"Dowager's Hump" can affect any person who spends a lot of their time hunched over or has a severe case of osteoporosis. The professional term for Dowager’s Hump is hyperkyphosis, which is an increase in the forward curvature of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. It is a condition that can either be relatively ...


Move Towards A More Proactive Lifestyle

Spokane Proactive Lifestyles

When we eat, we instigate a complex series of digestive, endocrine, and metabolic physiologic processes. Various cells, tissues, organs, and systems are involved in convert our carrots, apples, grains, and proteins into energy that helps us live satisfying lives. These complex processes don't happen on their own, though. They require timely instructions and guidance from ...


Chiropractic Care Used By Professional Hockey Players

Spokane Chiropractic Care Used By Hockey Players

When National Hockey League (NHL) superstar Sidney Crosby suffered two concussions within days of one another, he looked for help from his chiropractor, Dr. Ted Carrick, a Chiropractic Neurologist who treats Crosby and many other players in the NHL and NFL. Carrick says, “In professional hockey alone, there are more than 50,000 hits annually, and ...


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