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Live Your Best Year Ever
by Dr. Joshua Salina

Read Live Your Best Year Ever by Dr. Joshua Salina to learn more about Salina Family Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Spokane, WA.

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Wellness Spokane WA Health Goals
Are you kicking yourself about falling off the “New Year’s resolutions” bandwagon?  Have your goals and promises fizzled out by week 3?  Are you heading for a repeat of aspirations that will either be forgotten or the same lame excuses made about why you couldn’t achieve what you wanted?

If so, turn your phone notifications off and read on…

Success is Planned

As all great success warriors know, true success is planned.  They know that success is not usually obtained overnight nor by chance.  So they carefully calculate and plan their success; beginning with the end result in mind.

With the new year just passing, we would like to share five valuable lessons that we had learned about turning goals into reality.  These are wonderfully outlined here as shared to us by Robin Sharma.

Valuable Lessons For Success


The first step is to take some time to sit down quietly and look back upon 2015 and think about all the things that happened this year.  Write an inventory of successes, wins, achievements and magic moments, big and small,  that you had over the last 12 months.  When doing so, remember we have all had set-backs but the more you think about all of your wins the more you will start to notice how great 2015 really was.

This exercise will help you build confidence, energy, and appreciation for your life.


Take time to reflect.  What are the 3 best lessons that you learned from this past year?  What were you doing when you achieved your best results in 2015?

With better awareness, now you can make better choices in 2016 and achieve better results.


As Robin Sharma says, “Clarity precedes mastery”.  Get very clear about what needs to happen for you to have the best year ever in 2016.  These goals need to be crystal clear to be able to set action steps.

When you have a target to aim for your excitement for the year and all the greatness that you will achieve is produced as you are approaching and hitting the mark.


Take your goals that you’ve just set and graduate them into a plan.   Make sure to take your goals and chunk them down into a month by month or even smaller achievable and motivating plan.


Your mind cannot tell the difference between reality and visualized experience.

Have you ever thought about a time when you were really upset or angry and your physiology changed as it was like you were living the event over again?  This is because your mind is so powerful that it creates the reality that you perceive it to be.  It is also the secret of all Olympic athletes as they visualize their race with the outcome they want.

Be careful what you focus on and think about because most often it becomes your reality.

Visualizing your life as you want it to be, ties you to it emotionally and it engages your senses.

Take 5 minutes every morning and visualize your day with color, details, and clarity.  With practice you will be able to visualize your month and wonderful year.  If you believe it, you will see it.

Get Ready For Great Results!

We know that if you take these 5 steps and put them into action in 2016 you will most definitely have the best year of your life.  Guaranteed!

If you would like more information or help to learn how we may help you with your health goals for 2016, call us today!

With the best of health, everything is possible!

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For Your Health,

Dr. Joshua Salina

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Salina Family Chiropractic