Salina Family Chiropractic - Spokane WA

The Dreaded Pins and Needles

Numbness Spokane WA Pinched Nerve

We have all experienced the dreaded pins and needles after we have sat on our feet too long or laid on our hands incorrectly.  But what if that severe irritating intense buzzing pain did not resolve after a few minutes and began to radiate up our arms or legs?  Simply said, it would make our ...


Been In An Auto Accident?

Accident Spokane WA Personal Injury

It can happen in an instant!  You were simply driving your car - possibly in auto-pilot- then out of no where another car swerves or an animal runs in the road and suddenly you slam on your brakes.  Most often we avoid the collision of another object but often in cases we don't.  Unfortunately this ...


First Great Steps for Young Athletes

Youth Spokane WA Athletic Injury

Today our children begin training and playing year round sports from a very early age.  The results have been extraordinary in the Wins and Losses column. The Win column contains the amazing achievements in speed, coordination, and overall results.  Unfortunately the Losses have included an increase in injuries.  To convert those losses our spinal specialist teams ...


Mind Your Language – It Affects You

Language Spokane WA Health Affects

Recently walking through a supermarket, I overheard a middle-aged man say “My son gave me this stupid cold and I feel horrible” as he rubbed his eyes and sniffled through his words. Unfortunately a totally common occurrence! When we are “sick”, we naturally want to complain and list all our symptoms.  As a loving doctor and ...


Go The Distance With Chiropractic

Healthcare Spokane WA

As an athlete prepares for a big race, the excitement can begin with the pulling tight of the laces on the track shoes.  The heart pounds a little louder as a quietness falls over you and the mental vision of the race pushes your thoughts of  "I am READY!" But are you really ready?  Have you ...


What Is Workplace Ergonomics?

Work Injury Spokane WA Ergonomics

Gone are the days of sitting back in our office chairs with our feet on the desk.  Now we have gone to the absolute other extreme to where our heads are almost in the computer screen as they are stretched and extended by our form that is becoming hunched and almost disfigured.  With this wonderful ...


Allergy Season Is Here!

Allergy Spokane WA Hayfever

The warmth of summer is finally here!  As we open the windows and doors, we may find that the increase in temperature coincides with the massive pollen levels that are causing an unwanted boost in cases of seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis.  This is unwanted news for those of us who anxiously awaited for summer ...


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